Resources to Help You
Chartered Clinical Psychologist.
As an experienced clinical psychologist with over 15 years experience working in the NHS, I want to support as many people as I can, after all not everyone can work with me 1 to 1.
So here I have collected some resources that you can access. I hope they will empower you to strengthen your understanding of the difficulties you are experiencing and help you to develop strategies to manage the challenges life can present.
If you need further support or direction...

Downloadable Resources
Supporting Children With Anxiety
A downloadable PDF guide with hints, tips and advice on supporting your child with anxiety.
Supporting Adults With Anxiety
A downloadable PDF guide with hints, tips and advice on supporting yourself or other adults with anxiety.
Supporting Children with Skin Prick Testing​
Skin prick testing can be a big deal, if your child is going through this, then this is the resource for you!
Allergy Links
The Truth Behind Anxiety and Therapy - An Interview with Dr Karen Murphy